Intersession 2025
April 22 to June 27
Courses typically run Monday through Thursday.
Courses offered are subject to funding and sufficient enrolment.
Want to register or have questions? Email for more information about Nanaimo courses. Select time below for list of courses being offered.
- CHEM 047 - Chemistry 11
- CHEM 067 - Chemistry 12
- ENGL 067 - English 12
- MATH 037 - Precalculus 10
- MATH 067 - Precalculus 12
- FNFS 107 - Capstone
- BIOL 067 - Anatomy and Physiology 12
- ENGL 037 - English 10
- ENGL 047 - English 11
- MATH 011-016 - Basic
- MATH 030 - Math 10
- MATH 047 - Precalculus 11
- PHYS 047 - Physics 11
- PHYS 067 - Physics 12
Evening self-paced courses typically run 3:30 to 7:30 three days a week.
- ENGL 047 - English 11
- ENGL 067 - English 12
- MATH 037 - Precalculus 10
- MATH 047 - Precalculus 11
- MATH 049 - Foundations 11
- MATH 062 - Foundations 12
- MATH 065 - Precalculus 12 Part 1
- MATH 067 - Precalculus 12
Want to register or have questions? Email for more information about Cowichan courses. For current timetable please see the Cowichan ABE timetable
Online self-paced
Select subject below for list of courses being offered. You can start September to May. Want to register or have questions? Email for more information about online courses.
- English 047 - English 11
- English 067 - English 12
- MATH 037 - Precalculus 10
- MATH 047 - Precalculus 11
- MATH 067 - Precalculus 12
- BIOL 067 - Biology 12
- CHEM 047 - Chemistry 11
- PHYS 047 - Physics 11
- PHYS 067 - Physics 12