Faculty assisting an ACP student

Clone of Nanaimo and Cowichan Schedule

Academic and Career Preparation Nanaimo and Cowichan Campus 2020/2021


For more information please email acp@viu.ca

or call (250) 618-4713

Courses are subject to change without notice.

All courses are offered subject to funding and sufficient enrollment.  



Fall 2020

Sept 8 - Dec 4

Spring 2021

Jan 6 - April 1


Intersession 2021




BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

8:30 – 11:15

BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

CHEM 067 (Chemistry 12)

CHEM 067 (Chemistry 12)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

COST 030 (Computers 10)

ENGL 047 (English 11)

ENGL 047 (English 11)

ENGL 037(English 10)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

ENGL 047 (English 11)

MATH 045 (Math 11 part 1)

MATH 011-016 (Basic)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

MATH 047 (Math 11 )

MATH 030 (Math 10)

MATH 065 (Math12 part 1)

MATH 065 (Math 12 part 1)

MATH 037 (Algebra 10)

MATH 067 (Math12)

MATH 067 (Math 12)

MATH 065 (Math 12 part 1)

 PHYS 067 (Physics 12)

 COST 030 (Computers 10)

 PHYS 067 (Physics 12)

10:30 – 12:00










BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

BIOL 047 (Biology 11)


ENGL 011-016 (Basic)

BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

ENGL 037 (English 10)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

ENGL 047(English 11)

ENGL 011-016 (Basic)

ENGL 068 (First peoples English 12)

ENGL 037 (English 10)

MATH 030 (Math 10)

ENGL 068 (First peoples English 12)

MATH 037 (Algebra 10)

Math 030 (Math 10)

MATH 045 (Math 11 part 1)

 MATH 037 (Algebra 10)

MATH 047 (Math 11)

 MATH 045 (Math 11 part 1)

Phys 047 (Physics 11)

 MATH 047 (Math 11)
  PHYS 047 (Physics 11)

  1:30 – 3:15























CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

12:15 –3:00

BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

ENGL 047 (English 11)

ENGL 037 (English 10)

CHEM 067 (Chemistry 12)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

ENGL 047 (English 11)

ENGL 011-016 (Basic)

MATH 011-016 (Basic)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

ENGL 037 (English 10)

MATH 037 (Algebra 10)

MATH 011 -016 (Basic)

MATH 045 (Math 11 part 1)

MATH 045 (Math 11 part 1)

MATH 037 (Algebra 10)

MATH 046 (Math 11 part 2)

MATH 046 (Math 11 part 2)

MATH 046 ( Math 11 part 2)

 MATH 047 (Math 11)

MATH 047 (Math 11)

 PHYS 067 (Physics 12) 

 FNFS 105 (Elements of Anatomy and Physiology) Mon/Wed



MATH 067 (Math 12)

 FNFS 100 (Writing for Success)


FNFS 105 (Elements of Anatomy and Physiology)



FNFS 101(Reading Improvement and Public Presentation)




PHYS 047 (Physics 11)


FNFS 102 (Finding Careers that fit)


 FNFS 100 (Writing for Success)













4:30 - 6:30

FNFS 103 (Succeeding Online: Tools and Technology for Learning) Tue/Thurs

 FNFS 101 (Reading Improvement and Public Presentation)



FNFS 103 (Succeeding Online: Tools and Technology for Learning)


STSK 068 (Indigenous Student Success and Study Strategies 12) Tue/Fri   

BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

MATH 047  (Math 11)

PHYS 047 (Physics 11)

 BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

MATH 047 (Math 11)

PHYS 047 (Physics 11)


 BIOL 067 (Biology 12)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)

ENGL 067 (English 12)

MATH 047 (Math 11)

PHYS 047 (Physic 11)

CHEM 047 (Chemistry 11)


COSC 067 (Computer Science 12)




4:30 - 6:30







5:30 - 8:00






ENGL 037/047/067 (English 10/11/12)


*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format

ENGL 037/047/067 (English 10/11/12)


*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

4:00 - 7:30


ENGL 037/047/067 (English 10/11/12)


*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format

MATH  037/047/067 (Math 10/11/12) Mon/Tues/Wed

*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format

MATH 037/047/067 (Math 10/11/12)


*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

MATH 037/047/067(Math 10/11/12)


*Continuous Intake: Self-Directed/Tutorial Format